Sunday, September 02, 2007

ONE Idol Who Invests His Fame

Lately I have been really down on the idols of our society. That would be the entertainment stars and the sports stars who have become more than just rich. They have become idolized. They lead an unreal life that is not just one of luxury, but of super-celebrity status, whom we grant permission to live outside the boundaries of decency and civility.

Many have taken this idol status and used it as a license to live lustful and deviant lives. Michael Vick is such a person. Lindsay Lohan is another. Believe me, I am not as upset at them as I am at our society that needs them and pays them. This world has lavished riches on them and they have responded by not only ignoring decency but by displaying their disregard for it.

Still others have used it for political voice. Over the past decade many celebrities have, for some reason, been granted a political voice. We all too easily gave a microphone to Rosie O’Donnell and listened to her “view” on politics as she bellowed her opposition into silence. There are many other idols such as Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon who also used their celebrity currency to push their radically socialist opinions into the heads of their unquestioning fans. I believe that for many of these people who have become political, the world travel and exposure have shown them scenes that are very disturbing. Not having a box for it and not having God in their lives they grasp at humanist socialist solutions and use their celebrity status to sell it.

Well, I have been amazed at one person who has used his celebrity status quite differently. This man is surprisingly a believer in Jesus Christ. His favorite scripture is also mine. John 8:32 “Know the truth and the truth will set you free.” He states in the following You-Tube session that he actually didn’t have much use for Christians or the Church. The interview is of Bono. His interviewer is Bill Hybels of the Willow Creek Community Church. This segment is 8 minutes of an hour long session. Watch this segment and then click on the link to watch all of it. He sets the standard for how an idol can invest his celebrity capitol to change the disturbing things that he has seen around the world.

This is Segment 4. See all the segments of this incredible interview here. Find Segment 1 and go through them all.

Here is the question that is haunting me. OK Dave, you are not Bono. You don't have that kind of celebrity clout to change the world. But you are known in your world. You have capital with your friends and neighbors. Are you as motivated by Christ's passion and peoples plights to demand that their world be changed?


a woman who is said...

Once again I am drawn into deep thought by your post Dave. The YouTube clip was thought provoking. Where has the church been? Where have I been?
All I can think about is the parable about the "Good Samaritan"

A Samaritan traveling the road came on him. When he saw the man's condition, his heart went out to him.

Shadraq said...

Dude, I LOVE Bono...I'll check it out. I've long admired his efforts and his use of stardom. Glad to hear that he's on The Team as well...