Thursday, September 06, 2007

Here's Looking at You, Kid

I remember a movie plot one time that revolved around a scene where a man was peering though a telescope across the skyline of a city. He focused in on a window of a tall building across town only to see a man peering through a telescope back at him. That’s what I thought of when I came across this picture taken by the Hubble Telescope. It is appropriately named The Eye of God.

I know that I sometimes forget that He always sees me. While we are diligently searching for him, he is always very aware of us. If for a brief moment we could focus a telescope on God, would we find him busy working on something else? I don’t think so. I think we would see him looking at us – not missing a thing. Sometimes we would like it if we could hide from him. I remember when our daughter was just two, she would cover her eyes, thinking that it blocked our view of her. Having been caught getting into her mother’s dresser drawer, she wanted to disappear. But she had little understanding that when a parent looks upon his child, he does it with love.

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