Saturday, September 01, 2007

Muslims dig and find the truth

I reported earlier that Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had approved giving millions of dollars to the Fatah leaders in hopes that their legitimacy would grow and Hamas’s would weaken. But somehow Fatah managed to give at least $3.5 million to Hamas soldiers.

In another act of kindness Olmert has now given permission to the Palestinians to dig a trench across the Temple Mount to replace a faulty electrical line. The trench is long and deep. Archeologists are furious. Observing from afar they can see where engraved stones have been dug up by the heavy equipment and tossed in the rubble. Experts are convinced they have uncovered a wall of Herod's Temple.

Although the major news sources have refused to give this much attention at all, the digging is a huge issue on many fronts. Muslim clerics have been blatantly claiming that there never was a Jewish Temple there. According to them the stories about a Jewish Temple are all lies. It's very ironic that they are the ones who are digging up the proof that it is there. Another huge issue is that the Temple Mount is an international historical site. There should be international outrage, but there is only silence. Then there is the obvious faith issue to everyone who is of Jewish or Christian faith. The stones that are being uncovered were undoubtedly from a wall from Herod’s temple, the same Temple that Jesus himself walked through. I visited many of the traditional sites in Jerusalem. They are just that; sites that “are traditionally believed to be ones that Jesus visited." No one has uncovered something specifically from Herod’s Temple before.

As I explained in my last post on Prime Minister Olmert, he is a favorite of the secular Israelis. They believe that the less they care about their religious past, the better chance of survival they have. They not only reject the thought of God coming to their rescue, they embrace the idea that capitulation to the Palestinians is the path to their future.

I believe there is another front to seriously consider. Remember the first Indiana Jones movie where Indy sneaks into a temple in the jungle and steals an ancient artifact? He soon realized that he touched off a huge mechanical chain reaction. Well, I believe the Palestinians’ digging could also touch off something huge. And I don’t think it will be mechanical. The very Temple where Jesus stood and spoke to every generation from then until now is being revealed. It existed. It is there just as the gospels said it was.

If you research it, you will learn that there were some amazing supernatural incidences that happened around the Temple Mount in the 1947-48 war and again in the 1967 war. In one incident, a large group of Palestinian soldiers were forced back from attacking and slaughtering a small group of Israeli soldiers. As they approached the Temple Mount they were confronted by a large image of a foreboding Father Abraham. There are other instances of Israeli’s becoming invisible and Palestinians being confused. What might happen in 2007?

The Palestinians don’t care that God told David that His temple was to go there. Prime Minister Olmert doesn’t care. Many of the Israeli people don’t care. The international community doesn’t care. Only the “powerless” believers and the Jewish faithful still care. I know that God still cares too. Let’s see what happens.

Want to read about it? Look here and here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

from conversations with you and Jill I have been surprised to learn that not all Jewish people are religious. Because we hear about the ones who are, I jumped to the conclusion they all are. I guess that was not fair, because you can't categorize all Americans as this or that, so why think I could to the Jews? I forget it is a nationality as well as a religion. But still I wonder how they got a secular leader, given their history...glad when elections come up again! hb