Thursday, February 05, 2009

What a Honeymoon

There is just too much coming at us too fast. Here is the Administration that was supposed to bring real intelligence, skill, and ethics in to run the country. Like the smartest Captain ever, with great fanfare, Obama finally got to sit at the controls and expertly pilot our ship into the air. But with this take off, it looks more like another plane headed for the Hudson River.

Remember just prior to the election Joe Biden wagging his finger while making the absurd announcement that paying more taxes was more patriotic than paying less taxes? Well, the new Administration and its fawning press want you to forget that one.

Remember Obama saying he would not hire lobbyists into his administration? Uh - forget that, too.

When asked in a private moment by Chris Wallace what his biggest realization about Presidency was, Obama replied that at this level, all decisions are big ones. Ksnorghph! (sorry, I just snorted coffee up my nose). Oh really? Ya think?

Here is a run-down of some issue that were recognizable prior to the election and are now rearing their ugly heads.

1. In his short career in the Illinois State Legislature and the U.S. Senate Obama's favorite decision was to refrain from voting. He would vote "present" when roll call votes took place. It was an obvious cop-out strategy. That way he actually kept himself from having to defend a stand or position. Not the best training for his current job.

2. During his campaign Obama simply surrounded himself with people who would not provide cogent opposing arguments to his positions. Well . . . POOF!! That umbrella of protection is gone! It's the real world now. Over the last eight years, many Democrat positions were merely based on being anti-President. Many of their arguments were petty and political. The only reason they had traction was because the media loved to publish anything that was anti-President. Now Obama has to come up with real solutions, not just anti-Bush rhetoric. He admits, that is really hard to do.

3. Part of Obama's big sell was the promise that he would create a team measured by a "high ethical bar". Does anyone remember that Blago ran a campaign that promised a "high bar" based on the fact that the previous Illinois Governor was being prosecuted for corruption? Let's face reality here. Democrats, especially Chicago Democrats have rendered the "high bar" rhetoric meaningless. So far, all we have seen is shameless liars and tax cheats who seem oblivious to what the term means.

4. Obama's idea of International Relations with hostile countries is based on his collaborative nature. He wants to use the force of his personality to have a chance to present reasonable common ground. I work for a pretty large company with over a thousand employees. In a situation like this, a collaborative way of operating is good. But as Dick Cheney warned just today, there are people (leaders of very dangerous countries) who have no interest being collaborative with us. They oppose us with every breath they take. One of the horrors of WWII was the Kamikaze pilots; people who would do the unthinkable just to destroy as many of us as they could. We are now faced with regimes that use that tactic as their standard offensive weapon. They believe that blowing themselves up in the middle of a grade school classroom full of our children would be an ideal fulfillment of their life. Obama needs to get it through his thick skull that they view his collaborative overtures as stupidly naive. They chortle at the recognition of reality that our new leader is clueless about their intent and purpose.

5. His lack of respect for our military is just catastrophic. Obama is the first President since the tradition started to shun a banquet on Inauguration night honoring our Congressional Medal of Honor recipients. Not only that, but during his campaign, Obama shunned our wounded soldiers when he could have visited them in Germany, choosing to get a good workout instead. One of the things that Obama and his supporters couldn't comprehend is the fact that under Bush, many military personnel would simply re-up at the end of their tour of duty. To the Lefts way of thinking, we should have run out of military personnel at the middle of the campaign because no one in their right mind would waste their time, much less risk their lives fighting for democracy in the Middle East. But not only did we not run out of military personnel, they got better and better because the experience level became very high under the Bush Presidency. That is about to change. Look for a real crisis to happen now regarding maintaining numbers. The military is now Obama's military. It's an all volunteer military. Obama can switch things around and make sure that the Generals who think like him take over. But with no one to lead, they will be in big trouble. . . BIG . . . TROUBLE !!

6. Lastly, the bail-out fiasco. I believe this has the makings of a disaster for all Democrats in Washington. The huge Bail-out Bill has so many pages of pet Democratic projects that it will become the document that supplies everything needed by their opponents in the upcoming elections. Every Democratic Congressman and 1/3 of the Democratic Senators are very vulnerable here. Republicans have two years to find objectionable spending sprees that have been hidden in this bill. If Obama can convince the people that the Republicans are obstructionist and get the bill passed, it will become an albatross around Obama's neck.

7. OK - this is lastly. I have detected a theme from Obama. He wants Republicans and the conservative media to give him a chance. His message to them all is for all to be fair. The stakes are too high. Go easy on him. Go easy on his Administration. You mean like he did on Bush? The stakes were just as high. Did you detect a desire from the Democrats or their press to give Bush a chance? They were fully intent on taking him down. They opposed him every way they could, putting party politics ahead American soldiers lives and our Country's success. Now they want fair play?

8. Here is the last: This one is a longer term mistake, but it is real, nonetheless. Global Warming. Obama was quick to establish that his Administration is made up of true believers. It's a loser. He will have to eat his words on that, too. He had a real chance here to just say, "lets take one more look at the science." But no! He just trots along with the other lemmings on this one. That will prove to be a humongous mistake. The science supporting man-made Global Warming has been refuted. The issue of Global Warming ranks dead last among all issues by the public. The remedies for Global Warming are needless and expensive.

This is Barrack Obama's honeymoon. It will not get any better than this for him.


Strider said...

Excellent as usual my friend. I especially liked point 7. Have a good weekend. Strider

Killer Bee said...

Good to see you back in fighting form, Truthseeker. You haven't posted anything for a month and I was afraid you might have gotten soft and decided Obama was OK.

But no way. Your points are so extreme and overwhelming, I have no strategy to refute them. You win.

I'll even add a ninth one for you. In a complete reversal from the Bush administration, Obama took the oath not once but twice to actually, seriously, really PROTECT and DEFEND the CONSTITUTION, and yet he won't wear a jacket in the Oval Office. Where are his priorities?

I want you to continue to use this blog as a catharsis. More importantly, I implore you to not let Obama or the liberal AND CONSERVATIVE team members he surrounds himself with to get to you and bust another hose in your head.

Practice deep breathing exercises. Read a funny book by Bill O'Reilly. Don't read Ann Coulter, she'll just get your blood boiling again. Go to the river and kill some salmon. Buy yourself another gun and hide it where the Obama police will never find it.

Do whatever you have to do to keep yourself calm and happy through the next four to eight years.

Take it from me. If you had asked me through the last eight years, I would have told you that we would all be dead by now. But here we are. We're OK.

You'll be OK too. Don't let The Man -- any man -- get you down.


a woman who is said...

I was wondering how long you were going to remain silent. Ditto all your talking points.

I have this great idea, but heck no one will listen to me. Why don't they just do a tax audit on all the senators and congressmen. That should raise some revenue for their pork barrel projects, like honey bee insurance.

I emailed President Obama with my brilliant idea. He is apparently not listening.