Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Of Mice and Men

We had been in our new house for about a week. Our garage was wall-to-wall boxes. It was nice and cool in the garage so we had left a sack of apples out there. I noticed one day that one of the apples was about half eaten. Little mouse droppings were around it. I was impressed that some serious eating had taken place so I threw the bag of apples away and set two mouse traps side by side. I used cheese as the bait. The next morning I went out and both traps had mice. Now I started to think about it. The first mouse had gotten fooled. The second mouse was just stupid. It had been a witness to the other mouse’s catastrophic end just three inches away. But it went right ahead and found its own hunk of cheese.

Now – change of scene. A church in Chicago. It’s big so every service is taped. After many years, the nation is exposed to the contents of the sermons of Reverend Wright. As it turns out, his pulpit was being used as a platform for highly strident political discourse. Once the content of some of the “sermons” was revealed, the general public is rightly outraged. Reverend Wright is “retired” and rightly disavowed by his most famous member, Barack Obama.

Now, a Mr. Pfleger, guest preacher, shows up at the church to deliver a sermon from the same pulpit. This is a Catholic Priest who has a flair for the cadence and style that the people who attend this church are fond of. He then launches into a highly strident political discourse. A good time was had by all. But, like Wright’s sermons this one is immediately sent over the airways and the reaction to it is just the same. By Thursday of the next week, it was over. Just today I learned he has been suspended. But the thing that puzzled me the most were some words after it was apparent he was in trouble. He prefaced his apology with a comment to the affect that “these last three days were some of the most painful of my life”.

He had no premonition that this was coming? He had no foreknowledge that he would be held accountable for his strident political "sermon"? He completely missed the Reverend Wright experience? I feel like the AFLAC Duck after trying to understand Yogi Berra. And I thought of that second mouse.


Strider said...

Another great post. I guess Forest Gump's Mother was right....Stupid is as stupid does!

Anonymous said...

Yes I think Pfather Pfleger is clearly an idiot. "What's so wrong about mocking Hillary Clinton? It's not as if I molested anyone."

But these events at the Trinity Church in Chicago brings up a bigger issue. That church needs to pay taxes.
I'm not one to cheer for the IRS, but our tax police can prove themselves useful by reminding us what a house of worship's purpose is and IS NOT.

Anytime a political candidate's name is uttered at the pulpit, or a specific political measure is mentioned, the IRS should assume "Oh, this church is actually a political organization. They must give to Caesar what is Caesar's. Let's send them a bill."