Sunday, June 22, 2008

How Obama can Lose the Race

As I said earlier, this is Obama’s race to lose. His path to victory is to engage the middle of the spectrum without alienating the extreme left that got him the nomination. That sounds simple, but many on the far left have shown that they have very little tolerance for any position on issues like Iraq other than their own.

A year ago, no one could have understood what the big issues were going to be in November 2008, We all thought the big issue would be Iraq. Democrats knew they would be able to crush the Republicans on the issue. Well, that is not the way it is working out. The success in Iraq is undeniable and for Obama to continue the “mistake that we should abandon” rant is now a loser for him.

The overwhelming issue is now the price of gas. And unfortunately Obama has to defend the idea that using our own technology, our own ingenuity, our own labor, and our own natural resources and our own land to increase the supply of oil is really a bad idea. This issue hurts his base. Who doesn’t care about the price of gas? Only rich people. And what is his party’s answer? Raise taxes on the oil companies. They have the unfortunate task of trying to convince people that the oil companies will pay these taxes without it affecting the price at the pump. If they win the election with that argument then we deserve what’s coming to us.

Some of the polls that are now being done are showing the Democrats that their “it is good for us to suffer with high gas prices because it protects the environment” doesn’t play with Americans. And the “let’s tax the oil companies” argument is not a winner either.

If American voters can get the message that Democrats do not want to do anything about increasing the supply of gas, but only want to increase the tax adding to our cost at the pump, then this one issue can blow Obama’s chance for the White House. Six months ago this issue did not exist. By itself, it can change the direction of the election. Conversely, Iraq was their big issue. Now the undeniable success there has taken it away as an issue for them. In the next few months, if Obama doesn’t radically adapt on these two issues he will go the way of Kerry and Gore

1 comment:

Strider said...

Well written Freedom Fighter. I agree. I love how the political winds blow and can change the face of an election in a moment. I just wish we didn't have a "Bob Dole"'s my turn to run!