Thursday, April 17, 2008

How do Millions of Muslms get converted to Chrisitanity every year?

I read something that really fascinated me. In our conflict with Islam, we do not seem to gain any ground with our efforts to evangelize them. We hear of some things but the impact we have had on showing them the error of their ways and the light of Christianity has been extremely limited.

As it happens there is a man who has been incredibly successful in his efforts to talk to Muslims about the tenants of their beliefs. His name is Zakaria Botros. How much of an impact does he have? He is known in the Muslim world as Public Enemy #1. He is a Coptic Priest who runs a TV program where he dresses in a dark robe with a huge cross around his neck. According to the article written by Raymond Ibrahim, Islamic cleric Ahmad al-Qatani blames him for converting 6 million Muslims a year to Christianity.

His method is that he sits with a Koran and a Bible and challenges the Muslim clergy on what their beliefs are. He asks questions like, “Is jihad an obligation for all Muslims?”; “Are women inferior to men in Islam?”; “Did Mohammed say that adulterous female monkeys should be stoned?” When they respond, which isn’t often because he makes them appear foolish, they end up having to agree with him on absurd Muslim laws. But he wisely never comes to the conclusion of the absurdity of the Muslim faith on the program. He simply repeats the question. So he doesn’t criticize Islam. He just asks questions and then backs up the answer with irrefutable truth from Islam’s own sources. The program is widely watched in the Muslim world.

Read the article I found here.

Check out Father Zakaria Botros’s website here.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting. I read the links. Thanks for printing them. I'll be praying for him. What a missionfield!

Anonymous sister

Potent Praise said...

Glad I found your blog. Been looking for Christian blogs. I launched two new Christian blogs recently.

You have good information.