Tuesday, October 09, 2007

To the Top of the Continent

In September we went to Banff in Alberta, Canada. I have never been to a more beautiful place. Even though Banff is virtually straight north of home, it is on the other side of the Continental Divide in the Rocky Mountains. The Banff/Lake Louise area is similar to the Yellowstone area in the way that it is, for some reason, a uniquely beautiful location with more wonders per square mile than you could imagine . It reminds me that God loves beauty and he created a few incredibly beautiful places so that we can enjoy them, too.

This is Mount Rundle. It is over 10,000 feet high. Most of the peaks there are.

We're 9,600 feet high (courtesy of a tram).

I love this sign. Which road shall we take?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and guess which road we did actually hike UP? STRAIGHT UP for a mile and half?? Not the hard one. We passed several encouragers on their way down. The first one's comment was "whoever named this the easy one was crazy" quickly followed with a "but it's well worth it!"
The next guy must have been a doctor, upon seeing my totally RED face and all my huffing and puffing told us to just enjoy the walk, go slowly, rest and it is worth it! And on we went. Once into it, we had to see what was up ahead. That tram ride to the top of the mountain was just the ticket for me by the end of our vacation! Enough hiking already.