Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Insist on the Truth

One of my favorite sources for news about the conflict in Iraq is a war correspondent Michael Yon. He works for no news bureau. He simply blogs and asks for donations. This makes him very independent.

He doesn’t usually comment on the obvious news filter that exists today, but in his most recent article he talked at length about it.

Here is an important question for every Truthseeker reader. There is overwhelming evidence that all three major networks plus CNN and the major news services, AP, Reuters, and BBC, filter and slant news about the Iraq conflict. Knowing that, do you then seek other sources of news to find out what reality is or do you simply accept what they are telling you? Are you insulted that these news organizations attempt to guide the masses with their carefully shaped version of reality or are you simply OK with their version?

Michael Yon doesn’t have an editor or boss that steers the subject matter. What you see is what you get. In this article, he is not only disappointed in the media; I sense he is disappointed in us as well. He expresses a little bit of my passion. In his recent article titled “Resistance is futile: You will be (mis)informed” he comments, “America seems to be under a glass dome which allows few hard facts from the field to filter in unless they are attached to a string of false assumptions.”

In July of this year, Michael tried to offer an article to AP. The Americans and Iraqi Army found a mass grave of civilians killed in Baqubah by Al Qaeda.. This was absent from the news reports while unsubstantiated stories of Americans killing Iraqis were being published. (Remember Murtha and the Haditha Marines) Michael, who was with the military when the mass grave was discovered, documented what he had found. He offered his story, complete with pictures to the AP, under the assumption that AP would like a factual, on the scene account. His offer: “Would you publish the truth of this story if I gave it all to you for free?” AP was not interested! They told him that no military report or AP reporter new of the story, so – no story. He sent them a picture that he took of the AP correspondent who was with him and the General who investigated it. AP has yet to respond back. Meanwhile, months later the Haditha Marines have been exonerated!

Today, he writes about how Iraq is a different place because of the efforts of General Petreaus. There is a tremendously important story breaking but there is no interest in it. He is concerned that we don’t understand that because of a disingenuous media that long ago decided the outcome and for political reasons is sticking to that scenario. He laments, “No thinking person would look at last year’s weather reports to judge whether it will rain today . . .”

Thinking person? You mean a person who is not afraid to challenge a media with an obvious and proven agenda?

If more people in America were aware of the truth about the conflict in Iraq they would cease to be fooled by the rhetoric they hear from the press and the Democratic leadership. The Democratic Party line dovetails nicely with the mainstream media storyline. What ever their excuse is for not allowing the truth to be told, what is the American peoples’ excuse for failing to be truthseekers?


OrangRecneps said...

I think it is a shame to lay all the credit at the feet of the Democrats. As a card carrying conservative, I lay the blame solely on the Right. It has little to do with party affiliation, although most of the right are Republicans.

The fact is we have not taken a stand on this, or many other issues. We've continually bent over and let the media have their way with us. I hate to say it, but the problem goes all the way to the top. Until we find a leader who is willing to tell the truth about the main stream media, and take a stand about what we hold dear, it will never change.

People know about the bias of the media, and they simply don't care. Why, because no one who is in a position to make a difference is doing anything to make a difference. They'd all rather use the media to get their camera time.

Just image how cool it would be to have a presidential debate moderated by Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh rather than old what's his name over there at PBS. Until that day comes, people will continue to simply sit on their hands, do noting and Swallow everything MSM has to say.

Emancipation of the Freed said...

Truth demands action. Thank God for men like you, Fox News and Conservative bloggers.

I stand with you.


Shadraq said...

congrats to your Ducks, knocking off USC