Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Got Mail

Both President Obama and Senator Patty Murray emailed me tonight. Both emails came within 10 minutes of each other. Both had the same message. Their health care plan is good for you. The lead off good thing they both are excited about and are are offering America is this: Senator Murray: insurance companies would no longer be able to refuse coverage to individuals due to preexisting conditions.” President Obama told me this: No discrimination for pre-existing conditions.” I wrote back to pose this question:

Wow. That is good. But let’s think about that. Let’s say we got the same deal with auto insurance. Let’s say that auto insurance companies couldn’t turn us down for our automobile’s preexisting condition. Sweet! That means I can drive uninsured and then go get insurance after I wreck my car! Let’s apply the same principal to life insurance. And let’s apply the same idea to fire insurance for our houses. I wonder how long it would take before insurance companies would go broke. Why would you sign up for insurance before you needed it if there was no downside to waiting until after you needed it?

Think I will get a reply?


Killer Bee said...

"Insurance companies going broke."

Last month I had to spend over $500 for two urgent medical visits for a kidney stone that my poor insurance company would not cover. That's on top of the $500 per month I'm paying them to only cover 50% of hospital and major surgery had I decided I just couldn't afford the initial visits and the kidney got worse.

Sounds like I need better insurance? I'd get some, but I have to wait at least six months should my kidney stones flare up again, because the next company won't touch it at all.

That's just a kidney stone. Talk to me about more dangerous or chronic ailments.

"Insurance companies going broke"? That's a good one. . . .

Emancipation of the Freed said...

I wouldn't hold my breathe... :)