Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I am Convinced: President Obama Needs Prayer

So, after 4 months of our new President - how is he doing?

I saw a celebrity on Mike Huckabee's show a couple of weeks back; Tony Danza. Huckabee asked Danza an open ended question regarding how he felt about the new administration. Danza's response was something like, "We are just so fortunate that he decided to be our President." Another celebrity started his time in front of a camera with the platitude, "Isn't it just great that we have an intelligent, knowledgeable, wonderful man in the White House now?

So, there are some who are extremely pleased with what they see so far.

Then there are others who are just as profoundly disappointed in his out of the gate performance. You can just shred off this criticism by saying it is negative emotion of the losers, but frankly the reality is that those who are disappointed tend to quote facts and figures. The reason I am asking the question now as opposed to a month ago is that I believe the old mantra "Obama just inherited the problem" is now over. Oh, sure Democrats and their most loyal media people are going to beat that drum incessantly. But the truth is that he is rapidly having to focus on repairing his own mistakes now. A recent article elaborating on that was titled something like, "52 days in office and 52 mistakes; 1408 to go . . . " I hope not. For all of our sakes, I hope not.

My Pastor, shortly after the inauguration sensed that he heard God say that Obama would have what he called a “stealth anointing”. God would move upon Obama in a way not unlike how He moved on Saul who became Paul. It is the best way I know to pray for our President. And if the lack of success is any indicator, he is getting closer to the point where he will be open to this huge transformation. At that point, he will really need our prayers, because like Paul, his allies will become his enemies and we Christians will need to surround him and protect him.


OrangRecneps said...

I know it feels longer. But in truth, it's been barely over two months since this president took office.

You're doing good. At one point last month, I thought it had been a year.

I hope you're right about this. I really, really, really do.

Strider said...

Hmmm. The word your pastor gave is interesting. I hope it is true...because he seems the opposite right now.

a woman who is said...

Stealth is definitely how he is trying to run the government =/ I certainly don't see all this "Transparency of Government" he ran his campaign on.