Wednesday, October 08, 2008

A Must See

Have you seen the Saturday Night Live skit known as the SNL Bailout Skit? Is it controversial? Well, there is a war going on right now to eliminate the original version from the internet. Sites will get it only to find out it has been removed. They will reload it only to have it removed again.

The original version had a caption referring to the Daryl Hammond character that they had to remove. That character is Herbert Sandler, a real person who made billions in this debacle. The real life parody is so good it almost makes you think that SNL hired Iowahawk as a writer.

I know much about what led up to the Freddie / Fannie collapse. I could not do a better job of explaining it to you in five minutes than this skit does. It is completely surprising that it was written and performed by a program that is typically left-leaning. I believe it will go down as one of the best comedy routines ever produced by SNL. Here is the remanufactured version. It doesn’t have the caption that says Sandler should be shot. However they left in the caption that identifies George Soros as the owner of the Democratic Party.


Strider said...

I heard about this on Hanity. Love it. I hope it get's all around the internet.

Anonymous said...

I heard the audio portion on Rush's program. Hilarious & well done.
Anonymous Sister

Devoted said...

Love it! I am sending it to some friends. Thanks!

Kari (GrannySkywalker) said...

I saw the original of this skit. It was great. Shame on them for being weak and removing it from public view. That was some funny, funny stuff.

Kari (GrannySkywalker) said...
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Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for sharing.
Through your blog, a lot of people including me of course have a chance to read and learn

I have read some of your post and I really enjoyed reading it.
Thanks again and looking forward for more of your posting soon!

Dianna said...

My skit favorite so far!