Monday, May 19, 2008

The Lebanon Reality

While we watch who wins the American Idol show, there is a drama being played out that has huge implications regarding the Middle East.

Iran is at the door of Israel. It is at its northern border ready to attack. So did you hear about that? Do you understand what is happening over there? Ralph Peters of the New York Post makes it really clear. Oh, it’s not really Iran. Its just Hezbollah. Iran trained, Iran armed, Iran equipped, Iran funded, Iran supported Hezbollah. Peters says that there is only one way this is going to go. He asks the following:

When will we face reality? Hezbollah can't be appeased. Hezbollah can't be integrated into a democratic government and domesticated. And Hezbollah, whose cadres believe that death is a promotion, can't be deterred by wagging fingers and flyovers.

When war approaches, typically you see huge headlines and lots of news coverage. But this is hardly even being mentioned. The mainstream media avoids the topic. Heck they don’t understand it any way. Read Peters’ excellent article. It will give you something to pray about. This is very serious.

1 comment:

Strider said...

Great post Freedom Fighter.