Thursday, May 22, 2008

Foreign Policy for Dummies

As President, Barack Obama would open up talks with the leadership of Iran. He claims that since Ronald Reagan talked to Gorbachev the precident has been set for him to talk to Iran with no preconditions. He needs to understand the history.

President Nixon and Henry Kissinger formalized a foreign policy tactic regarding nuclear weapons called Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). Great acronym, huh? Very simply it meant that if you launch missiles, then we launch missiles. No one can stop either of us from launching so we both have a real survival interest in being nice. A very important part of that policy was the position that neither country had an anti-missile system. For one country to develop an anti-missile system was for it to say that MAD was no longer valid.

When President Reagan took office, he very wisely understood that the Soviet Union had destroyed its own economic engine. Financially it had no power to move to the next level. He went to Congress and got the “Star Wars” program passed. Star Wars was the nickname of a very ambitious anti-missile system. He knew the Soviets could not follow suit because they were simply out of steam.

Democrats are justifying Obama’s willingness to talk to the President of Iran with the rationalization that Reagan met with his enemy, Gorbachev. Yes he did. But remember, this is the President that stomped on a covert communist takeover in Granada. This is the President who launched a missile and blew up the President of Libya’s own house. His meeting with Gorbachev was not a “no precondition” type talk. It was to simply announce “checkmate.” He came to that meeting fully armed with 4 things.

  1. I will launch missiles on leaders who want to harm us.
  2. I hate communism and will stop its expansion.
  3. I have Star Wars to protect us. You don’t.
  4. Economically speaking, you are out of gas. We are stomping on the accelerator.

Gorbachev then went back to Moscow and started presiding over the dismantling of the Soviet Union.

I have no idea what Barrack Obama is thinking when he spouts off that he is willing to talk to our enemies because Reagan talked to his. To borrow a debate line: Barrack Obama – you are no Ronald Reagan.


Emancipation of the Freed said...

for an articulate man Obama doesn't appear to be very wise. Lord have mercy on the USA.


Strider said...

I was thinking of the same line before you finished your post with it...Barrack...your are no Reagan. Good post freedom fighter.

Anonymous said...

BO doesn't get it, and I hope that before elections, most of his supporters get a clue! HB