Friday, December 14, 2007

Answer the Question, Mitt

If you were running for office and someone challenged you with this question, what would you do? “Don’t you Christians believe that Jesus was born of a virgin?”

Would you cry “Foul! You’re just bigoted! What my church believes is none of your business!”

Or would you say, “Yes, Jesus was born of a virgin. Mary conceived Jesus by the Holy Spirit. Do I believe that? I absolutely do!”

The other day, Mike Huckabee reflexed an observation “Don’t Mormons believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers?” I was thrilled when I heard that he had thrown that question out there. Is it an appropriate question when considering who will be the best candidate for President of the United States? Perhaps it isn’t for some people. For me – I want to see Romney answer the question.

Now Romney is an interesting guy. When asked the question: "When you were campaigning for Governor of Massachusetts weren’t you for abortions?" He has a great answer. “Yes I was and I was wrong.”
Regarding illegal immigrants, he has also allows himself the right to change his mind, declaring now a much more conservative opinion than he once had.
Perhaps the change of mind was because he has weighed the logic of the arguments and found he was on the wrong side of the issue. Or perhaps he weighed the voter support and found that his stance on these issues was a loser. Politicians tend to do that.

My point is that we know Romney is a politician first. He has the proven ability of letting go of strong positions to gain support. He will also allow himself to reconsider important issues. So, Mitt Romney, here is a question. And all the Christians are watching. Consider it carefully.
Do you believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers? Do you worship Satan’s brother?

If he says “yes” then I don’t think I am going to vote for him. Hey its just me. Yes it is a litmus test. It is the mother of all litmus tests.

If he says he has thought about it and now answers “no, I changed my mind.”, – I am not going to vote for him then either.
Scott Elliot has some further observations about it.


Anonymous said...

Huckabee shouldn't have apologized for asking that. It makes me sad that Christians don't seem to mind so far that Romney is a mormon. If he has been deceived on such a huge level as he has been, then why do we want to put our trust in his ability to lead our nation? How is he going to find the truth in the world of politics if he hasn't found the truth in his heart? No wonder he seems so snakey and no wonder he changes his mind on issues like he does.

Nadine said...

Why should Christians be the only ones who have to answer questions about their faith. Why can't we ask questions like this or better yet about someone's lack of faith?