Sunday, December 23, 2007

Humble Yet Secure

Just a humble stable

But so secure in His mother’s arms.

He came to humble shepherds

And was sent by His Father above.

A humble King, a humble Lord,

Yet so secure when crowned with thorns.

How could He be the two in one,

Unless He was God’s Son?

Just a humble carpenter,

But so secure as Son of Man.

He came for humble people,

And was sent by His Father above.

A humble King, a humble Lord,

Yet so secure when crowned with thorns.

How could He be the two in one?

He must be God’s Son.

Humility, security

Are these the gifts You have for me?

Humility and security,

Only You could give these for me.

A precious,

Helpless baby . . .

But so secure.

Debbie Ausherman, 2003

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think these look like song lyrics...just need the tune. Helen