Thursday, November 01, 2007

Fifth Estate Goes Renegade

There is a new study that again confirms a topic I recently have been writing about. I have been concerned that the liberal press has been editing news on the war in Iraq to support liberal politicians' ignorant and dangerous positions. While that is no secret, I believe strongly that this situation does not absolve us from pursuing the truth. It is out there. And we need to go get it. Do you recognize the same problem regarding election coverage?

Rick Noyes of Newsbusters states:
The study, released Monday from the Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) and Harvard’s Shorenstein Center, found newspapers and broadcast TV outlets devoted far more time to covering the Democratic candidates than the Republicans and that the tone of those stories was much more favorable to the Democrats, mirroring the results of a Media Research Center study released in August.
In other words, this study done by PEJ confirms another one done several months ago. The mainstream press has cashed in the last of its integrity and is shamelessly joining the campaign for the Democrats. If we want to know the truth, we need to understand where not to look. To what extent are they slanted? The study found that it is more slanted than the radio talk shows that they accuse of being biased! Noyes explains:

According to a new study, those news organizations that hold themselves up as the most neutral and professional — big newspapers, the broadcast networks and taxpayer-subsidized National Public Radio — are actually producing campaign stories that are the most tilted in favor of Democrats, while online news and talk radio have actually been the most balanced.

I have some liberal friends who get all their information from the mainstream media. What are they afraid of? It's too bad. Know the truth and the truth will set you free!


Jen(n) said...

I think sometimes we in America are to lazy to search for the truth. We would rather watch a movie.
thanks for this post.

Anonymous said...

nobody can spin things quite like the Democrats! Why don't they get challenged? HB