Friday, August 20, 2010

New York City

I love it that some liberal thinkers and even some Administration officals were considering calling on George Bush to come to the aid of President Obama with regards to the mosque in New York City.  Remembering when he was President, they are sure that his fair minded approach towards Muslims would lend support to Obama’s position that we must stand up for the right of Muslims to build their mosque in a place that overlooks Ground Zero.  To even consider this shows a desperation that is at a critical level. 

Again network news, most of which are based right in New York City, have avoided showing the rest of America the extent of the daily demonstrations of huge spontaneous crowds that are flocking to this site to protest the building the this mosque.  Again, the most significant story here is not the Muslims or even President Obama’s tone deaf position.  It is the media’s collective cloak of darkness over this issue.  Some day, the media will be held accountable about how they refuse to show America what is really going on.  When I heard that Obama’s people wanted George Bush to weigh in, I was excited because his presence would be something that the media could not ignore. 

Apparently, Bush has declined to go to New York and weigh in on the topic.  Too bad.  I wanted him to go.  I would have even written his speech.  I would have made it a media event in downtown Manhattan.  I would have put a platform on the hood of a fire truck and I would have asked a fire fighter to stand on the platform arm in arm with President Bush.  Here is what President Bush should have said.

“In September of 2001 I stood here with you citizens of New York City.  We were all horrified by the devastation of the unprovoked attack on our innocent brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, husbands and wives.  That day, an evil group of Islamic terrorists carried out plan of destruction that was meant to do as much harm to this city and to our country as it could.  Their hatred for us knew no limits.  Their savagery and cowardice also knew no limits.  I stood before you and told you that I hear you.  Men and women of New York City, I still hear you. 
In Texas we have a small fort in San Antonio.  It too is the site where an invading force massacred brave men.  Today, the Alamo still stands as a tribute not to the religion or the beliefs of the invaders, but as a tribute to the ideals of the fallen.  So, to my Muslim friends, whom I respect, I ask you to respect these fallen.  If you want to show your love and support for them, then I ask that you contribute your finances to a memorial to them, not a mosque for you.  If you love America, and want to heal the wounds, then show your respect for these dead and honor them by supporting their monument, not your structure. 
President Obama was correct in reminding us that our laws allow you to build your structure.  Now I am here to remind you that this wound that America suffered on this site will not heal by inserting your mosque here.  This is a time for you to show your respect for the fallen.  It is time for you to show your love for America.  So I ask that you go to all the people of your Muslim religion, here and around the world.  I ask that you raise and bring to this site $10 billion and tell the citizens of New York to use it to build a memorial of their choosing with that money. 
Now President Obama's position on this issue, notwithstanding, I know it would be a grievous mistake to build that mosque.  Mayor Bloomberg stated that Democracy must be adhered to.  But from where I stand, the will of you New Yorkers is that your voice be heard.  They both need to say as I did.  I HEAR YOU! That, my fellow Americans is democracy!  God bless you and God bless America!

OK, so he probably wouldn’t use my speech. But he should

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