Saturday, September 05, 2009

We Are Reaching the Tipping Point

Just keeping tabs on the Health Care Reform efforts.  Obama's team, including leaders in the House and Senate at one time thought they could muscle their Reform Bill through before the August recess.  Opposition rose from the ordinary citizens.
In my April 29 post I mentioned Ghandi’s statement about real grass roots protest.  He said, "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."
What has happened is fitting the pattern exactly.  They chose to minimize the efforts of citizens who started turning out to protest their effort.  Then they chose to vilify them.  Then they chose to use violence against them.  Now it appears that President Obama is going to come up with yet another plan that either eliminates, hides, or disguises the public option.  His chances of getting it are slim at best.  The reason is that daily, things are happening that show us that this issue is reaching its tipping point.  Here are just a few of the latest developments.    
  1. Remember the black man who was beaten in St Louis on August 6 by Union members because he dared to protest the governments Health Care Reform plan?  The thugs were caught red handed and arrested.  One of the union men who is charged with the assault has applied to the union for Workman’s Comp!  What?  He got hurt on the job?   Is their a thug union or something?   So are there apprentice and journeyman thug designations?  Do they stop beating up innocent people to take coffee breaks?  People are outraged and unions are losing popularity again.
  2. President Obama plans to take his new plan directly to the people.  But as he snapped his fingers for the 4 big networks to provide prime time coverage he learned something.  He can’t out-perform “America’s Got Talent”.  Dana Loesch reports that all four are telling the Obama Administration the same thing they told “Dirty Sexy Money”, “My Name is Earl”, and “Harper’s Island”.  “We are done losing money showing your dog and pony show on prime time!”
  3. Now that the August recess is over the gatherings to protest the Administration’s Health Care proposal are on the decline, right?  Today in Cincinnati 7,000 people were predicted to show up.  Oops!  It turned out to be 18,000!  This being the beginning of college football, they were concerned about a small showing.  The reality is that the phenomenon is still growing. 
With each day, with each development like the ones above, more and more people are scraping Obama stickers off their bumpers.    

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post. The articles were very interesting. Lord, help us continue to move forward.

Anonymous Sister