Monday, April 13, 2009

It is all about Freedom

I just posted my thoughts on comparing the Tea Party demonstrations occurring across the country with leftist demonstrations. I remember back in the 70’s when I was attending college. Earth day in 1970 was the kick-off for many demonstrations on campuses across the country. I was there. My roommate was arrested along with about a dozen guys in my house. We didn’t have the media on our side. We didn’t have George Soros organizations on our side. We didn’t have the President on our side. We have come full circle. Here we are again. Lefists – Democrats, you are the establishment. You are the culture and we are counter-culture. You are the mainstream and we are the radicals. You believe that the government can do no wrong and we disagree.

April 15 is like that day in 1970. The President has a problem. Watch for protests to get larger and larger. Watch for the President having to make careful choices of where he shows up in public because there will be demonstrators there – always there.

Bookworm Room is one of my favorite bloggers. She is a young attorney and a young mother with excellent writing skills. She is an anomaly in the law profession these days because most attorneys have sold out to the leftist agenda. She has the courage to evaluate and believe in the important things in her life. Read her blog regarding the Tea Party demonstrations and how Leftists could be trying to steal their thunder.

It is all about Freedom.

1 comment:

Strider said...

Good post. I hope the protests keep growing...isn't it interesting how what goes around comes around. Blessings my friend.