Monday, December 22, 2008

New to Us, But Not New At All

In my previous post I wrote about the controversy over Obama’s choice of Rick Warren to give the inaugural prayer. The surprising thing about the choice is the overwhelming negative energy that is coming against it.

As a supplement to that article I want you to read another article. I trust that it will bring insight into the “new Christianity” that is exploding on the scene with all of its “righteous indignation” over the Warren choice. The article is written by J. Matt Barber. He recounts a recent sermon given by Pastor John Mabray of the Rivermont Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Lynchburg, Va. You can read it here.

The process that I use to decide what goes into the Truth Seeker blog is one of just going by what the Holy Spirit points out to me. I wonder about the direction He leads me in sometimes. Usually later I find that he is showing others different facets of the same thing. I know then that it is important that we pay attention. While we may scoff at this “new Christianity”, there are others who will be lost to it. The Holy Spirit knows that it will be easier for us to stand on the truth when we know what is at stake. Since yesterday, apparently Warren’s Saddleback Church website has scrubbed some of its verbiage on homosexuals for it to be more palatable to the people who are enraged by his stance. I pray that Rick Warren and the rest of us continue to speak more like prophets than politicians.


Strider said...

Merry Christmas. Strider

Anonymous said...

I read the article, plus the comments, which were also interesting. The point is well taken, and indeed, we have been headed in this direction for quite a while: abortion, homosexuality & environmentalism. It's the ungodly trinity.
But it is particularly enlightening when we can trace it back to something as crude & barbaric as the rituals of ancient Canaanite Baal worship, as the article pointed out. Only the Holy Spirit can keep us in the truth. My heart breaks for those who follow the world and believe the lies of the enemy.

Anonymous Sister

Strider said...

Have a prosporous and health filled New Year my friend. Strider

Emancipation of the Freed said...

Oh God, for the sake of your church and your children raise up true prophets and statesmen in the hour, amen.