Thursday, November 13, 2008


Be careful lest you too be fooled. As I comprehended what I will share below, I started to think, "There they go again. The main stream media is so disingenuous; so ready to believe lies!" And not to let them off the hook, but I got this feeling that if we abandon our discernment we too can be fooled.

By now, many people believe the story that Sarah Palin was confused that Africa is a country and that South Africa is merely the southern region of that country. Of course many of us were skeptical of that and Palin herself said it was not true. But it pretty much became common knowledge principally because there are so many Americans who want to believe she is stupid.

Here is how it happened. Martin Eisenstadt, Senior Fellow of the Harding Institute of Freedom and Democracy is the source of that "leak". MSNBC, the New Republic, and the Los Angeles Times picked up the story. The truth is that there is no Martin Eisenstadt. This article explains that there is no Harding Institute of Freedom and Democracy. It is a website that created fictitious people and entities just for the fun of fooling people. There is no conspiracy. It is just a couple of mischievous guys with time on their hands and the ability to recognize how vulnerable our society is to things like this.

I think it was Mark Twain who said something like, “A lie can go halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to even get its boots on.” Jesus said, “Know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” The world is rejecting Jesus’s offer. It is actually satisfied with the lie about Sarah Palin. It is satisfied with many things that simply are not true. All of us will be continually bombarded with lies. We are all susceptible to believing lies that fit our preferred world view. I pray that we continue to seek the Truth.


Strider said...

....and if possible....even the "elect" will be fooled! I've been looking at some blogs tonight and all the ooey gooey stuff on Obama is enough to make my skin crawl. It's almost robotic!

Devoted said...

Amen, brother! I agree with Strider...if possible...even the very elect. It's kind of like the blind leading the blind. May we always have eyes that see and ears that hear the TRUTH! :-D

Nadine said...

Nicely put. Isn't it crazy how people will believe such things because they want to. We can only be deceived when we want to something.

I hope that you doing well. Miss you guys.

Emancipation of the Freed said...

JPJ says that "people are vulnerable to deception when there's something they want". the MSM wants to hate Palin... we need to pray for her.