Monday, April 16, 2007

Virgina Tech: An Assault of Reason

Senseless carnage. I guess all carnage is senseless, but the massacre at Virginia Tech today has really made people pause. I walked into a sandwich shop at noon. It is usually teeming with conversation and laughter. Today it was quiet. Everyone’s eyes were glued on the TV. There wasn’t even any conversation back and forth about what people were seeing. There was no, “We should have done this” or “If only we did that.” When you think about what we were seeing, it was a perfect example of something so absurdly wrong that it assaulted our sense of reason. There is no rational way to explain why this might have happened. It is even more ironic when the scene is a college campus; a place where reason supposedly prevails.

One of my first blog posts was about a scene on a college campus where this very thing happened before. I believe it was the first time this type of thing (a school shooting) had ever happened. I was visiting the campus 30 years later when I saw the place of the massacre. I instantly remembered the scenes that I saw as a 15 year old boy on our black and white TV set. It is interesting that a TV picture was indelibly etched into my young mind, only to come back with extreme clarity 30 years later. I believe that happens when you witness or you are a part of something that assaults your sense of reason.
The irony of the University of Texas massacre was the message carved on the face of the building. Read about it here.

1 comment:

Emancipation of the Freed said...

Truth & Freedom, they are forever intrinsically linked. Lord have mercy on the VT community.