Sunday, January 28, 2007

Who's Politics?

I have some regular political blogs that I read daily. And, I have some regular Christian blogs that I check. There are some sites that I read that are both. Recently, during a search, I happened upon one I hadn’t seen before. I found it at the Christianity Today Website. The author is Jim Wallis and the name of his blog is God’s Politics. Right away I was taken by the frank declaration in Wallis’s blog’s name.

Now one of the purposes of my blog is to search out where God is in the political climate today. That is not always easy. Thus, my blog, Truth Seeker reflects that effort, but hopefully includes a humility that confesses God’s ability be at work in ways that we don’t always understand. So, with curiosity, I waded into Wallis’s most recent posted article, “A Criminal Escalation of an Unjust War”. I must say that my naive belief that informed Christians generally have a consistent view of the political landscape was really challenged. Wallis doesn’t just question the conservative view, he summarily rejects it.

I have read many political blogs with his point of view. They all have similar trouble points. They hang the proof of their position on their own definition of a “just war”. They all don a set of politically correct blinders and declare that there was no connection between Iraq and 911. They then quote and align themselves with like stances from Capital Hill politicians and European heads of government. Standard fare for liberal blogs. For a Christian blog labeled God’s Politics? As I reread it, I am still shocked and profoundly disappointed. If God lines up with the liberal politicians in Washington and Europe, then his blog is aptly named. If He doesn’t then Mr. Wallis is doing God a disservice. There are several contributors to the blog. Actually, I found the others generally interesting. It is worth a visit, especially if you want to understand diverse points of view within the Christian world.


Anonymous said...

I've had it up to my nostrils with right-wingers like you. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life; and by God you're going to kill anyone who doesn't agree. Doesn't that make you as maniacal as the CMF's (Crazy Muslim Fundamentalists) you seek to smote?

I'm not going to debate you about the definition of a 'just war'. But turn on your TV, and I'll show you an illustration of a STUPID WAR. A BONEHEAD WAR. A FAILED FIASCO WAR. A MISMANAGED, MISJUDGED, MISCALCULATED, MISTAKEN, MISSED-BY-A-MILE WAR. Every prediction Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney gave us at the start have been horribly wrong. Every assurance of success has been so off the mark, they would be laughable if it wasn't for the tremendous cost in human lives. We have never in our lifetime seen so much slime of incompetence ooze through the windows and doors of the White House and out all over the rose garden.

The liberal politicians of Washington and Europe are indeed following a similar stance. A stance of common sense, decency, intellegence (Genuine intellegence, not the CIA kind), wisdom and reasoning.

The biggest misconception you churchy right wingers have is that God follows your political party lines. God has his own purpose. His own plan. And neither party's agenda "lines up" with His.

I am so glad that the Dems took over Congress and will soon take the Presidency, if only to lessen the BS crap that assaults our ears as it slathers out of the mouths of your masters of insanity like Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Dennis Hastert, Tom Delaney, Conrad Burns, and everybody in the White House.

When the Dems take total control, you evil right-wingers will have to abide by the following rules.
A) You can no longer ignore the polls that overwhelmingly oppose your position as if you're smarter than everyone else.

B) Gone are the days when you can run roughshod over half the congress and UN votes without even considering a compromise.

C) No longer can you talk about Jesus and 'just war' in the same sentence.

D) You can no longer assume that God likes your side and your side alone.

E) Get it out of your head that closing your eyes, raising your hands to the heavens and singing some sort of contemporary Christian chorus accompanied by electric guitars and drums makes you God's special star-bellied sneech!

G) Give up trying to defend any part of Bush's policy and the Iraq war. Don't be the last person on earth to admit that this current Administration is the biggest bunch of short-sighted, stupid, foolish, dumbass, jackass, arrogant, oil focused, profit marginalzing, insensitive, unintelligent, bunch of SOB's ever to ride Air Force One!

Finally, Wallis is right! Read his stuff again. I own his book God's Politics. His views come from a Christ-centered love of fellow man -- including our enemies!
P.S. I hear the Duck football team is going to have a good recruiting class this year. How about that Basketball team? Lindy says "Hi".
Your brother, Kevin

Freedom Fighter said...

Alright! William Arkin stop using my brother's name!

Actually, it may interest you to know that there is a pretty credible conservative scenario out there that says it would be a good thing if the Dems took the White House in 2008. I just might vote for Hillary! But in order for the winner to rise above the crowd he or she will have to promise Peace In Our Time, or Peace and Safety. Unfortunately for that person, the reality of the world awaits.

Please check out a website:

I doubt that too many Dems visit it. The trouble and conflict we are experiencing does not begin and end with George Bush. It began long before him and without the strongest intervention, it will get worse no matter who occupies the White House.

My first couple of reads of Wallis have left me upset at his positions. I distrust his politics. In my opinion, he is rapidly becoming the Left's token Christian.

But hey, thanks for the rant! I've needed someone to liven up my blog. The worst criticism I got to this point was over misspelled words. You can be a guest contributor!

Hi to Lindy,