Thursday, June 08, 2006

Zarqawi - Payback time has just begun

For several years I have been praying that God would end Bin Laden's and Zarqawi's mission of stealing, killing, and destroying. I tried to never pray for God to outright kill them. He can handle them any way He wishes. But their devil's mission of stealing, killing, and destroying needed to be cut short.
Today, Zarqawi can no longer steal, kill, or destroy for his god. The ironic thing about the timing of the attack is that it is quite possible that at the exact moment he died, he was planning out how to continue to kill even more Iraqis. The more the better. The more gruesome, the better. Zarqawi's life long goal was to kill as many people as he could. Thank God that his life ended at a relatively young age.
I got to thinking about what his reception must have been like in hell. Everyone he had killed would be there to meet him. Everyone who he convinced to be a martyr will be there to meet him. Not 72 virgins. Not for him, or for all the martyrs he sent there. On earth he was surrounded by people who protected him. Not in hell. There is no allegiance in hell. Allegiance invovles loyalty and dedication. Hell doesn't have any positive forces at all. Zarqawi's first day in hell, I am sure, went really bad. He is the one who taught his people to kill a small child, gut the child and fill it with explosives, lay it in the street and then blow it up when the parents came out to claim it. Those parents will be there to greet him, too. Zarqawi will have no power or protection in hell.
The talking heads have said how the death of Zarqawi will not have a lasting effect on the battle. I really think there will be a difference. This man was the devil's own. He was the main recruiter of fighters. He was also the main spokesman. Whoever replaces Zarqawi will not be Zarqawi. There is an excellent trend that is being played out there. With the elimination of each leader there are others to take their places, but those others do not come with the same abilty, zeal, or authority. And when they get killed, their replacements are even worse.
I also am taking heart in the fact that Zarqawi was ratted out by his own people. That is a huge development. Perhaps in the near future, Bin Laden and Zawahiri will also be betrayed. Even if they are not, the possibility of that happening must be very frightening to them. Who can they trust?
Continue to pray for our troops. They are confronting the very face of evil over there. And they are winning!

1 comment:

Emancipation of the Freed said...

Well said my friend, well said. Let's continue to pray that:

Light will overcome the darkness ...

Those is bondage to a lie will know the truth...

And that the truth will set them free...