Saturday, November 27, 2004

Know the Truth

Engraved on the big clocktower building at the University of Texas campus are the words, "Know the truth and the truth will set you free." That is a great challenge for college students to have in front of them every day. I wondered when I read it if some students walk under this invitation for four years without knowing who said it or what he was saying.
We live in a time where knowledge is increasing exponentially, but truth is held hostage to the word "relative."
My purpose for this blog is to use it as a tool to find the essence of truth in issues that are important to me. Your comments are essential because "iron sharpens iron."
At this point I feel a desire to include the following topics in my discussions:
  • The spiritual landscape
  • The political landscape
  • Marriage and family issues
  • Investment comments (especially commodity technical analysis)
  • Oregon Duck sports

My hope and my goal is to use the process of discussion and mutual discovery to arrive at truth that endures the circumstances of the moment and guides us as we encounter the future.

1 comment:

Joel said...

I await your future posts.