Sunday, April 25, 2010

Inspired Message 1

I have a favorite picture of a famous painting in our prayer room. It’s a print of a painting by Rembrandt – “St Matthew and the Angel”. The original is hanging in the Louvre. But for a few weeks it was lent to the Atlanta Museum of Art. That is where our paths crossed. My print hangs over a couch where I pray every morning.  It is wonderful to look at, but it is nothing like the original. In it you could see Rembrandt’s statement to mankind: The gospel of Matthew – every word - was divinely inspired.

In the painting, you see a well-weathered old man. He holds his pen in a gnarled hand. It is poised above some leaves of parchment, ready to write exactly what he senses the Lord saying. His facial features belie a life that has seen much. His long, mostly gray hair is being held in place by a leather strap. His eyes aren’t focused on anything we can see, but are peering into the unseen. His left hand is stroking his beard. He is in deep thought as his right hand is poised at the ready. Over his right shoulder, just off his right ear, is the face of a youthful being. He has a calm look in his eyes as he whispers in the old man’s ear. His small hand rests on the old man’s shoulder in a reassuring and calming manner.

The contrast of the two is not accidental. The old man is concentrating, pondering, purposeful. He doesn’t dare engage the pen until he knows he gets it exactly right. Nothing in his being indicates that he has any knowledge of the cherub’s presence. The youthful looking angel, on the other hand seems to be content and peaceful in his role. He is not just present, he is intimately present. After all, his message is world changing. His role is a wonderful assignment.

If someone asked Rembrandt to explain how divine revelation of the Gospels happened, this is his answer. You can say that it is as good of explanation as any. Or you can imagine that there also could have been a painting of Rembrandt and the Angel, showing how he gained inspiration to paint St. Matthew and the Angel.

It poses a really important question. Do you believe that every word, EVERY WORD in the Bible is God inspired? I do. I believe that God wanted all of us in the 21st century to read and ponder every verse. And when I say ponder, I don’t mean ponder its validity. I mean ponder its depths. It was written for us to dig into, to mine its riches, and to benefit from revelation of what it means. 

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Happy Good Friday!

Good Friday: We always just passively acknowledge it. It’s the Friday before Easter. Last day to get to the store to buy your Easter ham and Easter eggs.

But it is a day I like to reflect on.

Several month ago I had a brief conversation with some friends who, being broad minded, reflected that even though they have a love for Jesus, they acknowledge that there are many ways to get to heaven. They have some very well educated friends who are sincere Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Mormon, traditional Jewish, etc. Those friends have their sincere beliefs in the after-life and we have ours. It will be wonderful (and humbling) when we all see each other in the afterlife only to realize that God has a very big tent, indeed.

I reminded them of John 14:6 where Jesus stated clearly that He is the only way. They replied that they understood that when John wrote his gospel, he was having to push back against some outliers (Gnostics) who were trying to redefine Christianity. And they believed that this discussion in John’s gospel was for addressing that issue and not the other great religions of the world. I believe that this view point is becoming the predominant viewpoint of modern Christianity. 

So here is my Good Friday gift to you.  If you don’t have the Instaverse widget, go get it now at

It is free and really quite fun.  It installs in just a few minutes. Then, when you hover your pointer over a scripture, it pops it up in a little box right in front of you.  Now scroll through these scriptures:

John 8:24, John 14: 6, Acts 4:12, Acts 10:43, Romans 6:23, Romans 10:13, Galatians 3:26, Eph 1:7, Titus 2:13, 1 Thes 4:13, 1 John 5: 11, 12  , Romans 10:9, 1 John 2:2, Matthew 10:32, Ephesians 1: 20-22. 1 Corinthians 15:24, Colossians 1:15-17, 1 Timothy 2: 5-6,  1 John 2: 23.  

You see, it is like this.  The founders of all those other great religions were likely great men.  They really had to think some things out, and then perfect a life according to what they reasoned.  But none of them paid for your sins.  Jesus did.  Only He could do it.  Only He did it.

Some modern Christians find this exclusivity very distasteful in our world, today.  I tell you that the exclusivity claim is a lie.   How can something be exclusive if it is free to everyone?  For everyone who trusts Him as Lord and Savior, on Good Friday, Jesus died for our sins.  God, his Father accepted His sacrifice as full payment. 

Philippians 2: 10-11.  Happy Good Friday!