Saturday, January 30, 2010


Ideologue – a person who steadfastly embraces a false belief or concept even when faced with the reality of facts to the contrary.

After the State of the Union address, President Obama accepted the challenge of Republican Congressmen and came to their retreat for a toe to toe conversation. Admire him for his courage in doing that. Actually, he would have never done that if he rung up a few victories over the past year. The fact that he was basically 0 for 2009 for his agenda probably forced him to play an away game.

One of the most amazing things about the liberals in control of our country right now is their “tell.” You know what a “tell” is. It is that signal that a person is unaware of, but is never-the-less there to let you know what is going on behind the mask. The best poker players are experts at recognizing the tell in their opponents. The funny thing is, liberal politicians are no good at disguising the tell. Martha Coakley did a masterful job of broadcasting her tell to her opponent, Scott Brown. Her impromptu remarks revealed that she had nothing in common with her constituents. She spoke out her tell very plainly when she ridiculed the notion that she should shake hands with people in front of Fenway Park. She did it again when she gaffed about Kurt Schilling. Brown used it to his advantage and did everything possible to identify with the people.

At the meeting with Republican Congressmen, Obama put up a fierce defense of himself. The most curious and telling remark he made was, “I am not an Ideologue!” Something should have happened at that point. The crowd should have gasped or perhaps broken out into spontaneous laughter.

Think about it. Where did that comment come from? There is an old saying that you know you are over the target when you start getting the flak. President Barack Obama, you are nothing but an Ideologue. When people look up the word in the dictionary, they should see your picture. The fact that he blurted out this “tell” shows that this is squarely on target. It wasn’t part of the discussion. It just came out of his mouth. This is the key.  He knows he has clung to his false ideologies in the face of facts and reality.  His mind is at war with itself in coming to grips with it. 

I am going to develop the topic of Ideologue in future posts. I believe we need to recognize the ideologue in all of us. What’s more, I believe we are entering into a time where understanding the concept will be crucial to our future as Christians and citizens.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Too Good to Miss

I thought about whether or not to post this video.  It is getting to be several days old now.  I think I will.  Jon Stewart is brutally honest and does a tremendous job of explaining the reality of the recent win of Brown over Coakley in Massachusetts.  This should win him an Emmy.  But I doubt if any liberal will ever show it again. Question to think about as you watch it:  Is he acting or is it real?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Massachusetts People Get Their Victory

This is just one Senate seat. It is just one flip from Democrat to Republican. But you know how things can get projected. According to some people, the world has ended for the Democratic Party. I want to bring back some perspective.

Republicans have to be sure they understand: We cannot allow this to just be the start of a repositioning of people at the trough. It cannot simply be a change in who gets their pork. It has to be a change in how representative government is working in Washington.

A very astute pollster took readings on just when Coakley started losing in the polls and when Brown started gaining. It coincided with the disclosure of Ben Nelson’s Nebraska reward for changing his vote on Health Care. Even the predominantly Democratic people in Massachusetts had heard enough. Hats off to them for rising up and rejecting that kind of politics.

It is extremely ironic that Democrats have disparaged the tea party movement but in reality, participated in reenacting it in Massachusetts. This movement is not a stealth Republican movement. It is true to the original movement and true to the notion that representative government is what we demand from those we send to Washington be they Democrats, Republicans or independents.

The politics of buying political support has to be squashed. I guess that if you are from Chicago, you do not know any other way of doing politics. Kind of like how people in Tokyo like to eat dried squid. They just grew up with it. But it cannot be the way things are done in Washington anymore. This idea of getting something for me if I give my vote to you has to be purged from Washington. This system in its simplest form can cause bills to be passed that have no benefit to America on their face, but have enough perks for the magic number of supporters to get them through. That is what the Health Care bill had become.

A recognizable pattern of legislation under the Obama Administration has emerged. The title of the bill makes the public believe it is beneficial for them. The bulk of the content of the bill births and grows expensive bureaucratic agencies formed to watchdog the private sector. And the remainder of the content rewards individual Senators and Congressmen for their votes. It happened with the Stimulus Bill passed soon after Obama came into office. Americans because they aren’t all from Chicago, or Las Vegas recognized the game for what it was and got this bill stopped. Call us naïve’ or simplistic, but that is not the way we want to see politics work.

Perhaps we will see Democrats join in the tea party movement. The members of the original movement were their ancestors, too. Everyone wants representative government. No one wants to learn that their grandmother will not get the surgery she needs because New Orleans got an airport.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Importance of Tuesday

I started out today to write about the importance and the irony of the Massachusetts election this Tuesday. Then I saw this video. It is very short, very succinct, and very good. Enjoy.